Research shows that about 29.1 million people in the U.S. have diabetes. A shocking 1.4 million new cases of diabetes are diagnosed in the United States each year. Type 2 diabetes is a growing epidemic and resistance training may be the key to fighting it.
Type 2 Diabetes Explained
It is the most common type of diabetes- making up between 90%-95% of the reported cases in the U.S.
With type 2 diabetes, the body has trouble controlling blood sugar. The muscles and liver that normally take up blood sugar and use it for energy begin to lose their sensitivity to the hormone insulin, a condition known as insulin resistance. Excess blood sugar in diabetes can cause many complications such as severe damage to the eyes, kidneys, nerves, and other body parts. The risk of heart attack and stroke doubles.
Risk Factors
The three major risk factors for type 2 diabetes is a sedentary lifestyle, obesity, and aging. With aging- gradual loss of muscle mass occurs (up to 5lb per decade). As lean muscle decreases, the body is unable to store blood sugar—which leads to insulin resistance.
We are unable to do much about aging, but resistance training helps to counter the loss of lean muscles which is linked to improving your glycemic control. Strength training also helps to burn body fat while keeping your active.
The American Diabetes Association (2018) says adults with diabetes should engage in 2-3 sessions a week of resistance training. The ADA also recommends reducing your sitting time by getting up and active every 30 minutes.
Nutrition Plays a Role
Along with your active lifestyle, adults with type 2 diabetes should manage the amount of carbohydrates consumed. Most of your carbohydrates should come from green leafy vegetables.
Please contact me if you are looking to get started with a fitness program today. If you are looking for ways to add protein and support the increase of lean muscle mass check out That Protein—an organic plant based protein (an affiliate link).