Have you heard of macros?
The term is short for macronutrients – which are the three main forms of nutrients needed by the body for energy, growth, and development: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Let's take a look at each macronutrient. This week, we will look at fats.
FAT. It's not any ugly, dirty, word. If you grew up in the 80’s, you were probably taught to avoid fat at all costs. Everything was low-fat or non-fat. There are many people who still believe eating fat will make you fat. Fat is a macronutrient that is needed for survival . Adding the right kinds of fat can actually turbo charge your energy, improve your mood, as well as help to burn more fat. If your goal is to lose body fat, women must increase their muscle mass. Fat helps to boost muscle-building hormones, strengthen our joints, and enhance our skin tone. Essential Fats vs Non Essential Fats Now all fats are NOT created equal. There are essential fats and non-essential fats. Essential fats include Omega-3 and monosaturated fats. The human body CANNOT produce Omega-3, so we must get it from the food we eat. You can find this essential fat in walnuts, fish, flaxseed, and sunflower seed oil. A deficiency in Omega-3 has been linked to depression and anxiety.
Monosaturated fats, found in avocados, hazelnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, and cashews, help to reduce the risk of heart disease as well as breast cancer. These fats are linked to reducing belly fat as well! Unlike OMEGA-3 and Monosaturated fats, which are an essential part of your nutrition-- saturated fats and trans fats are considered non-essential fats.
Saturated fats are found in animal products such as eggs, red meats, and vegetable oils. In small amounts, these fats can help keep the brain healthy. Even saturated fat isn't "bad", if consumed in moderation. Too much saturated fat can raise cholesterol which increases the risk of heart disease. Trans fats are added to foods during a chemical process that keeps food from spoiling. Great for food companies looking to make $$$$$ , but HORRIBLE for us! Trans fats leave more fatty deposits in your arteries which increases your risk for heart disease. Now that you are aware of the benefits of adding essential fats too your nutrition, how much fats should you eat?? Your personal goals and the way your body responds to fats will decide how much fat is right for you. If you are not sure where to begin, schedule a macro consultation for only $25. During this 30 minute conversation, we will determine the number of calories along with the macronutrient breakdown to help you reach your health goals.